श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम्।

प्रत्यक्षावगमं धर्म्यं सुसुखं कर्तुमव्ययम्।।9.2।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।9.2।। --,राजविद्या विद्यानां राजा? दीप्त्यतिशयवत्त्वात् दीप्यते हि इयम् अतिशयेन ब्रह्मविद्या सर्वविद्यानाम्। तथा राजगुह्यं गुह्यानां राजा। पवित्रं पावनं इदम् उत्तमं सर्वेषां पावनानां शुद्धिकारणं ब्रह्मज्ञानम् उत्कृष्टतमम्। अनेकजन्मसहस्रसंचितमपि धर्माधर्मादि समूलं कर्म क्षणमात्रादेव भस्मीकरोति इत्यतः किं तस्य पावनत्वं वक्तव्यम्। किञ्च -- प्रत्यक्षावगमं प्रत्यक्षेण सुखादेरिव अवगमो यस्य तत् प्रत्यक्षावगमम्। अनेकगुणवतोऽपि धर्मविरुद्धत्वं दृष्टम्? न तथा आत्मज्ञानं धर्मविरोधि? किंतु धर्म्यं धर्मादनपेतम्। एवमपि? स्याद्दुःखसंपाद्यमित्यत आह -- सुसुखं कर्तुम्? यथा रत्नविवेकविज्ञानम्। तत्र अल्पायासानामन्येषां कर्मणां सुखसंपाद्यानाम् अल्पफलत्वं दुष्कराणां च महाफलत्वं दृष्टमिति? इदं तु सुखसंपाद्यत्वात् फलक्षयात् व्येति इति प्राप्ते? आह -- अव्ययम् इति। न अस्य फलतः कर्मवत् व्ययः अस्तीति अव्ययम्। अतः श्रद्धेयम् आत्मज्ञानम्।।ये पुनः --,

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

9.2 And that is raja-vidya, the Sovereign Knowledge, the kind among sciences because of the abundance of its radiance. Indeed, this knowledge of Brahman shines most brilliantly among all kiinds of learning [The word raja means a king, or figuratively, the greatest; or, derived from the root raj, to shine, it may mean shining.-Tr.] So also, idam, this; is raja-guhyam, the Sovereign Profundity, the kind among profundities; uttamam, the best; pavitram, sanctifier. This knowledge of Brahman, which sanctifies all things that purify, is the greatest. Shine it reduces to ashes in a moment (the results of) all actions-righteous, unrighteous and others-together with their roots, accumulated over many thousands of births, therefore, what to speak of its sanctifying power! Besides, it is pratyaksavagamam, directly realizable, directly perceivable like happiness etc. Even though possessed of many alities, a thing may be noticed to be contrary to righteousness. The knowledge of the Self is not opposed to righteousness, in that way, but it is dharmyam, righteous, not divorced from righteousness. Eeve so, it may be difficult to practice. Hence the Lord says it is susukham, very easy; kartum to practise, like the knowledge of the distinction among jewels. It is seen (in the world) that, actions which reire little effort and are accomplished easily yield meagre results, whereas those that are difficult to accomplish yield great results. Thus the contingency arises that this (knowledge of Brahman), however. which is easily attained, perishes when its result gets exhausted. Therefore the Lord says it is avyayam, imperishable. From the point of view of its result, it is not perishable like (the results of) actions. Hence the knowledge of the Self should be highly regarded.